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Cancer Fighter Pack (Cancer Kit 4)

PetOmega 3, Milk Thistle, ES-Clear, Turmeric

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Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Pets: Symptoms and Care

Vet Talks 5 min read
A cat receiving a pet from a human

Squamous cell carcinoma in pets is a significant concern for pet owners and veterinarians alike. This form of cancer can affect various areas of a pet’s body, leading to discomfort and potentially serious health issues. Understanding the symptoms, treatment options, and prevention strategies for Squamous cell carcinoma is crucial for safeguarding the well-being of our furry companions.

Cat with carcinoma

Recognizing the symptoms of Squamous cell carcinoma in pets is vital for early detection and intervention.

Affected Areas

Squamous cell carcinoma can manifest in different areas of a pet’s body, including the skin, oral cavity, and mucous membranes. Pets, especially those with light-colored fur or exposed skin, are more susceptible to Squamous cell carcinoma in areas frequently exposed to sunlight or irritants. It’s essential to monitor these areas closely for any signs of abnormal growths or changes.

Symptoms of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Pets

Recognizing the symptoms of Squamous cell carcinoma in pets is vital for early detection and intervention. Common signs include the presence of lumps or growths, ulcers that do not heal, bleeding from affected areas, difficulty eating or swallowing, and changes in behavior or activity level. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, it’s essential to consult your veterinarian promptly for further evaluation.


Diagnosing Squamous cell carcinoma in pets typically involves a combination of physical examination, biopsy, imaging tests such as X-rays or ultrasound, and laboratory tests. These diagnostic procedures help veterinarians assess the extent of the cancer and develop an appropriate treatment plan tailored to the pet’s needs.

Treatment Options

Treatment options for Squamous cell carcinoma in pets vary depending on the location and severity of the cancer. Common approaches include surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy to target cancer cells, chemotherapy to slow tumor growth, cryotherapy to freeze and destroy abnormal tissue, and immunotherapy to boost the pet’s immune system. Your veterinarian will recommend the most suitable treatment based on your pet’s condition.


The prognosis for pets with Squamous cell carcinoma depends on several factors, including the stage of cancer, the location of the tumor, and the pet’s overall health. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment and long-term survival. It’s essential to work closely with your veterinarian to monitor your pet’s progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Prevention Strategies

While it’s not always possible to prevent Squamous cell carcinoma in pets entirely, there are steps pet owners can take to reduce the risk. Limiting sun exposure, providing shade and shelter, using pet-safe sunscreen or protective clothing, and avoiding exposure to environmental toxins can help minimize the likelihood of developing Squamous cell carcinoma. Additionally, scheduling regular veterinary check-ups for skin and oral health screenings can aid in early detection and intervention.

NHV Supplements Support

In addition to conventional treatments, some pet owners may consider complementary therapies to support their pet’s overall health and well-being during Squamous cell carcinoma treatment. NHV supplements, formulated with natural ingredients, can play a supportive role in enhancing the immune system, promoting healing, and reducing inflammation.

ES Clear: A formula containing herbs to support and fight cancers. The herbs in this blend may help reduce tumor growth, purify blood, and help detoxify vital organs. Further, it helps support the immune system and improve quality of life, vitality, and energy levels. Promotes digestion and aids with appetite.

Milk Thistle: Silybum Marianum, or Milk Thistle, has been used for over a thousand years as a remedy for various types of liver diseases. In fact, studies have shown that Milk Thistle can decrease or reverse damage to the liver and kidneys. It can detoxify the liver and kidneys by removing toxins that can build up in a pet’s system when taking pharmaceuticals, chemical-laden foods, or especially during cancer chemotherapy. Milk Thistle also has antioxidant properties and may benefit as an anti-cancer.

Natures Immuno: is a blend of medicinal mushrooms (turkey tails, cordyceps, reishi, shiitake, and Agaricus) that may offer extensive health benefits for dogs and cats.

These medicinal mushrooms have been extensively researched for their tumor-fighting abilities. Therefore, it will be beneficial as an anticancer and anti-tumor support in Squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, it helps increase energy and promotes general pet well-being while helping balance a pet’s immune system.

Petomega 3: contains Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which may help support dogs and cats with Squamous cell carcinoma. Further, it may help prevent weight loss, decrease inflammation, and inhibit metastasis (spreading of the cancer into other organs). Moreover, it includes fish oil, a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids critical for a healthy brain and heart, and contains Vitamin D, which may balance the immune and nervous systems.

Turmeric: The active compound in Turmeric is Curcumin, which is well-known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties. Further, it improves antioxidant function while scavenging free radicals, which provides an anti-cancer effect. Moreover, it helps the liver eliminate toxins and improve overall health.

All four vet-formulated supplements, ES Clear, Milk Thistle, Pet Omega 3, and Turmeric, are found in the Cancer Fighter Pack (Cancer Kit 4) at a discounted price, while ES Clear, Milk Thistle, Turmeric are found in the Pet Cancer Super Support Kit (Cancer Kit 3).

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular veterinary examinations are essential for maintaining your pet’s overall health and well-being. In addition to routine vaccinations and preventive care, these check-ups allow veterinarians to assess your pet’s skin and oral health, screen for any abnormalities, and detect potential issues such as Squamous cell carcinoma at an early stage. By staying proactive about your pet’s health, you can help ensure timely intervention and optimal outcomes.

Supportive Care for Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Pets

For pets diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma, supportive care and palliative treatments play a crucial role in managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This may include pain management, nutritional support, and therapies to alleviate discomfort and enhance well-being. Your veterinarian can provide guidance on the best approach to supportive care for your pet’s specific needs.


Squamous cell carcinoma in pets is a complex condition that requires comprehensive management and ongoing support. By understanding the symptoms, treatment options, and prevention strategies associated with Squamous cell carcinoma, pet owners can take proactive steps to safeguard their pets’ health and well-being. Remember to consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s health or notice any signs of Squamous cell carcinoma, as early detection and intervention are key to successful outcomes. With proper care and attention, we can help our furry friends live happy, healthy lives for years to come.

Dr. Tharanga De Silva. DVM, MBA

Dr. Tharanga De Silva. DVM, MBA

Dr. Tharanga De Silva, a passionate veterinarian with 12+ years of experience, holds a Veterinary Medicine degree from the University of Peradeniya. Specializing in Laboratory Animal Science, he collaborated with the University of Colombo and Utrecht University, Netherlands. In 2012, he started his career as a small animal practitioner. He joined the Sri Lankan government service in 2015 and gained diverse veterinary exposure. He completed his MBA at the University of Canada West in 2023. Dr. De Silva recently joined NHV Natural Pet Products, merging technical expertise with business acumen for a unique impact on veterinary care.

Published: April 29, 2024

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