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Matricalm for Birds

For stress, anxiety, behavioral problems in birds

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Know How and When to Give Supplements to Birds

Vet Talks 3 min read
Budgerigar parrot

Did you know that other less traditional pets can also benefit from natural herbal supplements? However, each feathery, scaly, or furry friend has a unique little body and different needs. This is especially true with exotic animals like birds! So here are some tips on how to give supplements to your feathered kiddos.

Can birds take supplements?

Many of the illnesses seen in pet birds have their basis in malnutrition, and supplements can help provide any lacking vitamins and minerals. Not only can NHV formulas help fill nutritional voids that can lead to health problems, but they may also offer immunity support and help fight common issues in birds like anxiety, liver issues, renal insufficiency, hepatic disease, respiratory impairment, musculoskeletal disease, and reproductive problems. 

We have seen promising results in birds taking NHV Milk Thistle for liver issues in a clinical trial conducted by the University of Tennessee’s Avian and Exotics Division. We were also able to help Sunny the Cockatiel fight liver cancer with the help of ES-Clear and Milk Thistle.

So yes, birds can, and sometimes should supplement their diets. The most important thing is making sure that your winged friend is taking the correct supplements for their needs. So your first step should be to discuss any nutritional changes with your avian vet. Once you’ve received the specialist’s approval, we are always here to help guide you!

Bird calming supplement for anxiety

Birds are intelligent animals that interact with their environment and socialize with people and other animals. So, many of the reasons people develop behavioral problems can also apply to birds. Boredom and loneliness, for example, can contribute to anxious behavior like feather plucking.

Behavioral issues in birds like anxiety and aggression can also compromise their immune system

Stress in birds can also occur when their usual schedule is disturbed, as one would expect during a move, or if essential needs like proper diet, sunlight, and fresh air are not being met. A set daily routine and a bird calming supplement, like NHV Matricalm, are just two ways to reduce stress in your bird.

Behavioral issues in birds like anxiety and aggression can also compromise their immune system, cause malnutrition, or result in unhealthy weight loss. Stress can also lead female birds of breeding age to become egg-bound, which is life-threatening and requires medical intervention.

Read more about how NHV Matricalm worked as a natural bird calming supplement to help turn George into a well-behaved Amazon Parrot.

how to use bird calming supplement

How to give supplements to birds

Our herbal formulas are safe for all sorts of animals, little or small, as long as the recommended dosages are followed. When giving our natural supplements to birds, give 1 drop for every 2 lbs of body weight, twice a day (8-12 hours apart).

You can mix the supplement to your bird’s food or your little one’s favorite treat like fruits, vegetables, wet pieces of lettuce or kale, millet, or canned/dried mealworms. The supplements can also be given directly to the bird’s mouth with the dropper provided. 

All supplements should be introduced slowly to a bird’s diet to avoid upsetting the gastrointestinal system or causing changes in their feces and urine. It is essential to follow the avian veterinarian’s instructions when introducing the supplements. Our pet experts are also here to answer any questions you might have about the best way to give NHV supplements to your bird. 

Be it feathers, fur, or scales, NHV has something to help support all sorts of pets. We are here to work alongside your avian vet to help you decide which supplements can help support your bird. Feel free to click on the button below to start chatting with someone in our Pet Experts team!

Dr. Amanda Nascimento DVM, MVSc, PhD

Dr. Amanda Nascimento DVM, MVSc, PhD

Dr. Amanda completed her undergraduate degree in veterinary medicine in 2010 and graduate studies in veterinary pathology (MVSc. 2012 and PhD 2016) at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo. She completed her post-doctoral training at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Saskatchewan in 2018. Dr. Nascimento will be hosting her own blog series and sharing her knowledge with our extended NHV family.

Published: July 20, 2022

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