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Is Calendula Safe For Dogs and Cats?

Herbs For Pets 3 min read
Image of two glass bottles one containing marigold oil extraction, the other contains marigold flower infusion, both bottles are on a wooden surface surrounded by different shades of marigolds. Are marigolds poisonous to dogs and cats?

As a concerned pet parent, you may be wondering: ‘is calendula safe for dogs and cats?’ Well, don’t you worry because the NHV team is here to help answer this question and more!

What is Calendula?

Calendula officinalis, is a bright yellow, orange, or red-orange flowering plant native to Europe and Africa. It is one of the most cultivated flowers around the world and can be seen in gardens and landscape designs across the globe. Over thirty varieties of calendula exist so be careful not to confuse this flower with the French marigold or other members of the sunflower family. The flower petals are most commonly used for creating water or oil infusions, tinctures, salves, ointments, and more.

History of Calendula

Calendula officinalis gets its name from the Roman word calends – meaning the first day of the month since it was believed that this plant bloomed on the new moon of every month. While this flower may not conform to such a strict schedule, calendula does remain in a state of bloom throughout the majority of its annual lifespan.

Medicinal Properties of Calendula officinalis

C. officinalis was used in early Indian and Arabic cultures, in ancient Greece and Rome. It was used for therapeutic reasons, and as a natural dye in clothing, food, and cosmetics. Traditionally, this healing flower has been used for minor cuts, scrapes, inflammatory dermatitis, flea bites, poison ivy, eczema, sunburn, ringworm, and burns.

When applied topically, calendula helps to relieve discomfort and helps to reduce swelling quickly. Its range of essential oils, flavonoids, saponins, and other compounds helps to decrease bacteria and fungus at the site of injury and helps promote faster healing.

are marigolds poisonous to dogs and cats

How To Use Calendula Safely For Pets

They are non-toxic and offer a range of natural benefits for your furkiddos!

To answer the question: ‘is calendula safe for dogs and cats?’ It is! Calendula officinalis is a non-toxic plant to have in your garden and may offer a range of natural benefits for your furkiddos! But like anything in life, too much of a good thing can still be too much. This herb is safe for pets when it is formulated to be at a safe dosage for your pet. Don’t forget that you can always consult your veterinarian for proper supervision and dosage information.

Calendula in NHV Products

Overall, calendula is a great herb to help with minor cuts, scrapes, insect bites, and irritated skin. Since marigold has so many great properties, it is used in several NHV products. These include First Aid Spray, Ouch Away Spray, and All-Clear Ointment

First Aid Spray is our all-natural antiseptic spray that is helpful for cleaning wounds and helping to soothe insect bites. This holistic formulation also contains infection-fighting ingredients to help disinfect the skin, help soothe discomfort, and encourage healing.

Ouch Away Spray is specifically for pets that are prone to itchy skin, fur loss, dermatitis, and yeast infections. It uses calendula along with other herbs to help stop the itch, help eliminate bacteria and fungus at the site of injury and encourage fur regrowth. This all-natural spray is safe if your pet licks it but for best results, we recommend wrapping the area to prevent further irritation.

All-Clear Ointment is an all-natural balm to help protect and soothe skin while promoting healing. This formulation is beneficial for pets with yeast infections, fungal infections, itchy skin, and everyday scuffs. This all-natural formula is safe if your pet licks it and is gentle enough for everyday use.

For any questions about herbs for pets or anything else, our team of Pet Experts is here for you! Tap the button below to start chatting with us.

NHV Pet Experts

NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: April 23, 2022

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