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Feline Leukemia (FeLV) Fighter Pack

Vet-Formulated Natural Support to Help Fight Feline Leukemia

Feline Leukemia (FeLV) Fighter Pack A$138.95 Add to Cart

Feline Leukemia won’t slow down a mother’s unconditional love

Inspiring Pet Tails 6 min read
Feline Leukemia won’t slow down a mother’s unconditional love

We are always so grateful to receive reviews about our supplements as they allow us and other pet parents to share the experience they are having. It also gives other pet parents, who might be going through a similar thing with their fur babies, something to relate to. It isn’t always easy to take in a feral or rescue pet.

There is never any guarantee if they are healthy, so it is always important to get that pet checked out by a vet as soon as possible. One NHV customer shared a review with us on the NHV Feline Leukemia Fighter Pack. She was using the supplements on the feral cat she took in and her litter. Her story is one that is heart-wrenching and very touching. It hit all of us at NHV right in the feels, and we wanted to share it with all of you. You may want to grab a tissue…

I am currently fostering a litter of 5 kittens that are feline leukemia positive. I am using the NHV Feline Leukemia Fighter Pack. All 5 kittens seem to be doing well. They do not fuss when I go to give them the supplements so it must taste okay, too! I really like that UTK endorses this brand. Having a school of veterinary science back a holistic product was very encouraging to me. Thanks for everything!

Their full story:

I had been feeding a feral cat through the winter, hoping to gain her trust. It wasn’t working so I ended up setting a live trap, catching her within 10 minutes of setting it. She was terrified and angry. I could tell from inside the trap that she was heavily pregnant. My intention was to spay her and find her a home at a farm when she could happily live as a barn cat since she wasn’t used to people. That changed because I wanted her babies to have a better life. I brought her home and attempted to make her comfortable in my laundry room. On the morning the babies were born, she somehow got herself wedged in the dryer vent, trying to escape this inside world she knew nothing about. While trying to free her from the vent, her water broke. She delivered 4 beautiful, seemingly healthy babies. The babies were so unique! People claimed them before they even had their eyes open.
feline leukemia kittens
Top left- Pocus, top right- Mavis, bottom left, Sox, middle-Coco, bottom left- Marvel
Onyx, as my sweet momma cat came to be known, was becoming much more comfortable with me. She wanted me to hold her paw while she nursed, pet her constantly, hold her, rub her belly. I was in love. I knew that her babies were going to wonderful homes and now that she was loving people, I knew Onyx would be staying with me. Along the way, I received a phone call about an abandoned kitten. I’d had these phone calls before. I knew what to do! Bring that angel home and let Onyx raise her as her own. Win-win, so I thought. Throughout her time with me, I noticed that Onyx had some health issues. She was experiencing persistent diarrhea, congestion, and was just overall lethargic. She saw the vet 3 times from capture to 7 weeks post-birth.

My wonderful, caring vet and I thought of everything it could possibly be – she’s coming into a new environment, she’s nervous. She’s eating nutritious food whereas she wasn’t before and it’s upsetting her stomach. She’s just given birth, it’ll pass.  She was happy! She was an amazing mom! She was being taken care of for the first time in her life! So what if she had an upset stomach? I proceeded with scheduling her spay for around the kitten’s 7th week. I agreed to all of the blood work in preparation for Onyx to graduate from the laundry room and into the house with my other 2 cats.

I barely made it to work before my vet called in tears. She had tested positive for feline leukemia. All of these health issues were finally explained. Her lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding. She likely had a stomach full of tumors. She was suffering and in discomfort. I will never know how she carried her babies to term. I will never know how she nursed, cleaned, loved, and cared for them every day while she experienced that discomfort and never once complained or acted anything less than thrilled with her new life.

My mom brought her babies to the hospital. I needed her to be able to look at them one last time. I needed to tell those babies what was happening. I know they didn’t truly understand, but that’s their mother. They deserved to know. Onyx left this world in my arms and without discomfort. I don’t recall a time ever being so heartbroken. I had had animals pass before. They were old. They were sick. I cried and I miss them terribly but this was different. This was flat-out unfair. She had just gotten used to her new life! She was moving inside full-time. To a house with constantly full food bowls, clean water, and soft couches. She deserved a happy ending she didn’t get. I can only hope and pray she was so happy her last 2 months on this earth.

With their mother gone, I knew I had to test my babies. My vet, my mother, the vet techs, and I all cried silently as each and everyone turned positive. My tiny babies. My beautiful little babies. All sick. From that moment on I have been positively determined to help them clear this. I have done the research. I have discovered, read, and even contacted people associated with any clinical trials I could find online relating to feline leukemia. I knew I had to give these babies absolutely every chance. No matter what happened, I had to know that I did everything in my power to help them beat this. I never want to have a feeling that I didn’t try hard enough. I owed them that much. I owed Onyx that much.

That was May 22, 2018. We are still fighting. They are gaining weight. They play, run, jump, and act crazy like any “normal, healthy” kitten you would see anywhere else. They have become such a huge and important part of my life. I am so happy that I have your feline leukemia fighter pack to help them through this. They will be retested in early October. Until then, I ask for your positive thoughts and prayers for my babies. They deserve to live the life their mother couldn’t.

Their mother was Charlotte the Spider- she loved them so hard and for as long as she could. I will be Wilbur the Pig. I will fight for these babies in her place.

feline leukemia momma
This is their beautiful mother, Onyx. She passed away from her feline leukemia when her babies were 7 weeks old.

Allison is an absolute angel for taking in these kittens and Onyx found her just at the right time, it sounds like it was meant to be <3

It is possible for kittens with early stages of Feline Leukemia to clear the virus from their system. The Feline Leukemia Fighter Pack will help to support their immune system in the hopes that they can fight this virus. A second blood test in the future will give the final results. These little kittens are lucky as they have a fighting chance to be FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) free with the help of NHV!! The Feline Leukemia Fighter Pack has NHV Felimm this is formulated specifically for the immune system and to fight viruses such as FeLV. The pack also has NHV Multi Essentials which will fill nutritional voids as it has vitamins and minerals that a cat will need while their body is trying to fight a disease like FeLV.

If you have any questions about NHV contact our Pet Experts, we are always here to help.

A touching tale of a cat dad and his promise to never give up

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NHV Pet Experts

We have a dedicated group of pet expert professionals, including veterinarians, vet techs, and other pet professionals to guide you through any questions. We’re committed to your pet’s wellness and can offer additional tips, resources, nutritional advice, and more.

Published: July 12, 2018

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