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Vet Talks: 8 Things Every Pet Parent Should Know

Vet Talks 4 min read
Vet Talks: 8 Things Every Pet Parent Should Know

You may have heard different stories like pets can only see in black and white, a warm nose means the pet has a fever or eczema in pets. To clarify some of these myths surrounding our fur babies, in this blog, I will help pet parents bust 8 common myths in the animal world!

1. True or False? Do dogs and cats see better in the dark than humans?

True. Animals see very well in the dark due to a pigmentation in the back of the eyes that amplifies the brightness.

Cat in the dark, can pets see in the dark? - From the blog eight things every pet parent should know

2. Does a wet and cold nose mean my pet is healthy? And if my pet has a hot nose, does he/she have a fever?

Myth. A wet and cold nose cannot be considered as an indication that your dog is sick. To find out if the animal has a fever, a rectal thermometer needs to be used. Only in this way is it possible to know if the pet has a fever.

yellow labrador retriever

3. Does my dog know when I’m sad or depressed?

Yes! It is increasingly common for dogs to be part of the family and participate in our daily lives. They wait all day until their owner comes home from work or a walk and greet them as happy as if they had been away for days. As such, your dog expects you, his or her owner to arrive with the same energy as usual. If the intensity of interaction is not the same, they feel that something is wrong and may end up getting depressed as well.

Pug lying on couch looking sad. From the blog Eight Things Every Pet Parent Should Know - Can pets tell when we are sad or depressed

4. Is it true that spaying prevents cancer in the female?

Truth. Spaying in female dogs is indicated before the first heat. This prevents hormonal changes from occurring by preventing the appearance of mammary and uterine tumors.

White and brown shihtzu dog being examined by a veterinarian. From the blog Eight Things Every Pet Parent Should Know

5. Can pets have eczema?

There is a condition named military dermatitis that affects cats and which some people call eczema in cats. However, it not exactly eczema. It is a skin condition in cats that most commonly results from an allergic reaction. Fun fact: similarly to humans, sheep also have facial eczema, a condition known as mycotoxin disease.


6. Do dogs and cats need to have a litter before they can be sterilized?

From the animal health and welfare standpoint, sterilization is beneficial for males and females’ dogs and cats, lowering the risk of breast, testicular and prostate tumors and urinary tract infections. They do not need to have a litter first.

White golden retriever dog with a litter of puppies - From the blog Eight Things Every Pet Parent Should Know

7. Is it true that IBD in cats can sometimes be an indicator of lymphoma?

True. Sometimes when your cat is presenting intestinal problems it could mean that they have Lymphoma Alimentary (gastrointestinal). As the alimentary form of lymphoma can affect any portion of the stomach or intestines, symptoms signs such as weight loss, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea, can be confused with IBD.

White and brown tabby cat sitting in litter box - from the blog Eight Things Every Pet Parent Should Know - Are cats with IBD more likely to get lymphoma

NHV has many supplements that can support some of these conditions discussed before. For example:


Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful to decrease the temperature in a pet with fever.

Feline Military Eczema

As it is an disease caused by the immune system, Stimmune and Felimm can be a good option for supporting the immune system.

Lymphoma (alimentary)

Felimm helps to balance the immune system that is dysregulated in an animal with Lymphoma.

Felimm: This formula helps to balance the immune system that is dysregulated in an animal with Lymphoma. It also helps fight against Feline Leukemia (FeLV) that is related to Lymphoma, and the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), canine herpesvirus, and parvovirus. In addition, it helps fight infections, encourages detoxication of the lymphatic system, stimulates the appetite, improves energy levels and helps combat upper respiratory tract infections.

Milk Thistle: Unfortunately, chemotherapy has many side effects, such as toxicity of the organs. Milk Thistle can be very helpful to prevent and decrease these toxicities. As it can detoxify the liver and kidney by removing toxins that can build up in a pet`s system when taking pharmaceutical or from chemical-laden foods. Improves liver and kidney function, supports regeneration of the liver, and supports overworked kidney. Also has antioxidant properties and may benefit as an anticancer support.

Yucca: As corticosteroids are often used in the treatment of lymphoma and Yucca contain steroidal saponins, it can be very useful for pets suffering Alimentary Lymphoma. This is well researched and reported that these steroidal saponins present in Yucca stimulates the body to produce its own natural corticosteroids. Our Yucca is formulated and dosed specifically to be safe for long term use in pets. It has been used successfully.

Plantaeris: It helps maintain normal bowel functions, soothes and relives spasms of the digestive tract and reduces discomfort and discomfort of the pet suffering from Alimentary Lymphoma.

Also, the diet is very important, you can check the tips here to learn more about what you should feed your pet with cancer.

Dr. Amanda Nascimento DVM, MVSc, PhD

Dr. Amanda Nascimento DVM, MVSc, PhD

Dr. Amanda completed her undergraduate degree in veterinary medicine in 2010 and graduate studies in veterinary pathology (MVSc. 2012 and PhD 2016) at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of São Paulo. She completed her post-doctoral training at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Saskatchewan in 2018. Dr. Nascimento will be hosting her own blog series and sharing her knowledge with our extended NHV family.

Published: December 13, 2019

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