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Demystifying & Managing Pica in Cats

Vet Talks 3 min read
A grey cat chewing on a cardboard box because of Pica in cats

Dealing with unique feline behaviors, like Pica in cats, might seem perplexing, but fear not—this guide is here to shed light on the intricacies of your kitty’s habits. Like addressing any other condition, understanding Pica in cats is crucial for providing the best care for our furry friends.

So, What is Pica in Cats?

Pica is not your everyday term, but when it comes to our feline friends, it refers to the peculiar habit of consuming non-nutritional items. From paper and plastic to wool and even electrical cords, some cats seem to have an adventurous palate that goes beyond their usual fare of kibbles and treats.
The reasons behind Pica can vary, and it’s essential to identify the root cause for effective management. Potential triggers include nutritional deficiencies, behavioral issues, medical conditions, or even environmental stressors. Understanding your cat’s lifestyle and potential stressors can play a significant role in determining the cause.

What are Some Clinical Signs?

Spotting Pica in action involves observing your cat for telltale signs. Watch for vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, or even the discovery of unusual items in the litter box. Changes in behavior, such as restlessness or lethargy, can also be indicators that your feline friend might be indulging in a bit of Pica. Behavioral changes, like increased vocalization or lethargy, can also be indicators. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time for a visit to the vet!

a green-eyed cat with pica in cats lying on an off-white couch looking sad and lethargic. Right paw reaching out. Staring blankly at the bottom left corner,

Pica in cats refers to the peculiar habit of consuming non-nutritional items.

When figuring out the root cause of Pica, your veterinarian may recommend diagnostic tests. Blood work, imaging studies, and sometimes even endoscopy might be on the agenda. These tests help rule out any underlying medical issues and guide the development of an appropriate treatment plan.
Treatment for Pica in cats depends on the underlying cause. If a nutritional deficiency is identified, dietary changes or supplements may be recommended. Behavioral issues might require environmental modifications or the introduction of interactive toys to keep your cat mentally stimulated. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to manage anxiety or compulsive behaviors.

How to Manage Pica in Cats?

Taking care of a cat with Pica involves a multi-faceted approach. First and foremost, follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for treatment. Additionally, consider making your home more cat-friendly by removing potential hazards and providing plenty of stimulating toys. Regular playtime and positive reinforcement can also help redirect their attention away from non-nutritional items.

NHV Supplement Support

At NHV, supplements like Multi Essentials and TumFlora may aid if your furbaby has Pica tendencies. Multi Essentials is our multivitamins that help your furbaby to be full of nutrients and vitamins, so if their Pica tendencies are due to lack of absorption of nutrients, Multi Essentials may come in handy. In the case of Tumflora, it helps to increase and improve the absorption of nutrients and make the gastrointestinal system healthier and stronger, also aiding in these cases where your furbaby is eating what it shouldn’t.

In the world of feline health, Pica may be an unexpected curveball, but armed with knowledge and the right veterinary guidance, you can ensure your cat leads a happy and healthy life. Keep an eye on their behavior, address any potential causes, and give them the love and care they deserve. After all, a little understanding goes a long way in creating a perfect environment for our beloved furballs! If you have any questions about Pica in cats or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced team of pet experts! We are here to help.

Dr. Barbara Benitez DVM, MS

Dr. Barbara Benitez DVM, MS

Dr. Barbara is a veterinarian from Brazil with a specialty in pet nutrition. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2006 from the University of Uberaba. In 2010, Dr. Barbara received her Master’s of Science in Pet Nutrition from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She has over 15 years of experience in research and development in the pet food industry. When Barbara isn’t helping pet parents, you can find her spending time with her family, including her senior dog, Caze.

Published: February 1, 2024

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